The Management Systems play a key role in pursuing the goal of preserving natural resources and improving the quality of life with sustainable processes, products and solutions for waste management and optimization of the markets served, sharing value creation with business partners, society and the environment. Itelyum Regeneration integrates into its business processes effective Management Systems in the field of Quality, Health and Safety, Environment and Social Responsibility, which enable not only to comply with the standards of the group and the applicable regulations but also to create value through the effectiveness of the internal processes and objectives for continuous improvement. For Quality Management, the reference is ISO 9001 standard, which allows defining structured business processes capable of providing products and services at the height of the ever-growing expectations of the market. The involvement of suppliers in the virtuous cycle is of great help to ensure the continuous comparison with the new plant and process technologies, allowing the diversification of products, to meet the present and future demands of the market. For Health and Safety Management, the adopted reference is ISO 45001 standard, integrated for the relevant aspects by UNI 10617 standard, which adds details for the correct management of sites classified at major accident risk. For Environmental Management, ITELYUM Regeneration adopts ISO 14001 standard. In addition, for the Ceccano (FR) plant it supports the continuity of compliance with EMAS regulation. For the management of Social Responsibility, SA 8000 standard is the reference.

Itelyum Regeneration Certifications

Sustainability policies

Pieve Fissiraga plant certifications

Ceccano plant certifications